Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Under Construction

Much like my post pregnancy body, this blog is under construction and going in a new direction. For my current readers it is definitely best to follow me on Instagram (@glamfitbutterfly) in order to keep up with me until I get this blog back up and under way. Bear with me! You will love the changes coming your way. Stay focused and I will be updating you soon! Thanks for reading and thanks for the patience! 

                     She's backkkkk!

Glam, FIT & Love,
- Kim

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

It has certainly been a while...

Hi butterflies!

Just want to do a quick check-in to say hi and that I have not forgotten about you.

I have actually been trying to regroup on topics and the direction for the blog since I found out in April that I am...


This is a big adjustment in more than one way especially in the way I think about eating and exercising all while steadily gaining weight rather than losing. Not sure I have totally adjusted to that thought process yet, but I really have no choice, but to do so. 

I will now tailor my posts to my pregnancy needs while still capturing the "average" person's thoughts and questions. I will then share my weightloss pursuits after I give birth and even compare the struggle to my previous weight loss if there are so differences to cite. (Those posts will help women who become pregnant and need help after child birth and those recovering from injury or illness etc!) I am glad to have something new to talk with you all about!

BTW besides being pregnant, I was actually also absent due to being in China last month! I just got back last week. What an experience! Maybe I'll do a post on it as China has a lot of notions about health and fitness. You know I may just do that soon! Look out for that and more. just note I will be on longer than usual hiatuses, but I will always remember to check back.

How are those summer bodies looking?

Keep up the hard work!

Have any questions for me in my absence? Find me on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram or place a comment down below! :)

Glam, FIT & Love,

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

It's Been A Year Wow!

I want to really take the the time to thank each and every one of you for reading the blog!

The blogs readership, look, purpose and reach has grown so much more than I could have ever imagined! There is only more progress to come in the coming year! I hope you continue to make this journey with me whether you follow the blog itself or any of the blog's social networks! It has been a great year! In that time frame have lost so many inches, so many pounds and so many insecurities. I am a happier and stronger person. I know I can not only self-motivate myself, but also others. It's so amazing how I am rubbing off on my friends and family in ways I thought I never would! Helping others will continue to be the goal I strive for!
Stay tuned for 1 year anniversary upcoming challenges that you will have a chance to join; contests, giveaways, and rewards, workout calendars, updates on me, and more series posts that are to come to further celebrate!

THANKS!!!!!! Hope you killed your workouts today in celebration!!!

What's the most helpful post from this blog to you? Share it on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Google + it, email it to a friend or comment about it below about it!

Glam, FIT & Love,
Kimberly :)

"I'm so excited. And I just can't hide it!" 🎢🎢

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Boston Marathon Reflection πŸ’œ

Wearing Purple today in honor of the #BostonMarathon tragedy! This truly disgusts me that people are just so cruel to others. People running purely for fun, love of fitness or for a cause... It's disconcerting. I know plenty of people who run in marathons alone or with fam and love it. I can't imagine them now being afraid to do so because of fear of losing life and limb. 😞πŸ˜ͺ ✌πŸ’œπŸ™