Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tip #1 Move Your Body

Today's Tip is make time for exercise! You can do this in fun and easy ways! As our First Lady, Michele Obama and the World's Most Beautiful, Beyonce Knowles tell you, MOVE YOUR BODY!

1. Do sit-ups, push-ups, leg-ups, ab rolls, run in place etc. during commercials or if it is something that doesn't take much if any motion, thought or movement such as ab contracts or bicep curls, then you can do them during your favorite shows! Don't just sit and snack on those potato chips! Put them down! Yeah YOU! Right now! Do this. You can make it fun by seeing how much more you can do each time.

====>>>> I did this during Giuliana & Bill today! I did ab contracts during commercials and during the show because it didn't take much effort to do and I could still pay attention. I did this and my abs were already screaming at me from yesterday's workout! God I LOVE POP Pilates (will be discussed in a later post)!!!

Abs Contracts (You can actually do this anywhere!)
  • Contract your stomach/ Suck in
  • Hold for 1 minute
  • Then release for 30 seconds
  • Then repeat 1 minute contracts and 30 second releases 20 times
  • Remember, as with any exercise, keep breathing
  • You're done or you can do more!
2. Think of random stuff to do while at your desk, laying in your bed, while having sex... YES EVEN SEX (Wait until my post on 50 Shades of Grey!), go dancing with friends, walking around the work building etc., whatever it takes to JUST KEEP MOVING! You can even do the above, plus!

====>>>> Funny story: To keep moving, I thought about what we do to babies to get them to sleep. (I actually need help doing that because I have some crazy insomnia!) But, back to the story, I actually decided to KEEP MOVING, so I decided to rock myself to sleep. It works sometimes, but whether or not it works at least I'm MOVING!

3. Put on some sexy stilettos/heels and walk! (I can run in mine!) Did I mention SEXY? Please be closed-toed though! This will make your legs look longer and leaner instantly and will really work out your calves and legs all together. You can even do a stiletto workout or a pole dancing workout! Do this at home or find a hot body at the gym by doing it there! It will look less and less crazy once they start seeing the results!

====>>>> Sometimes, I go to the mall and walk around in heels simply for the workout, and as I mentioned before, I have tried a stiletto workout. There's something about feeling sexy while working out!

June Ambrose's Stiletto Workout

Turn anything into a chance to workout! You can burn many of calories by simply cleaning the house, organizing you closet, changing up your room, home decorating or restoration, moving boxes, walking or running with your dog, cleaning your car, shopping and so much more!

Walk more: Park a little further or take the stairs!

I mean if the FIRST LADY finds the time to workout then you have absolutely NO EXCUSE!

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