Monday, March 25, 2013

Update 2: 8 Week Plan

Ok guys, this is going to be short, simple and sweet.

I am still not strickly on this meal plan although I adhere to it or the main idea of it and my tweaks for the most part. I have noticed some change in my body composition and in how my clothes fit me which is why I have yet to weigh or measure myself. I tried the below workout that I have not done in a while and I made it through it better than the last time, but BOY did it make me tired, out-of-breath and sore! The becoming really tired part had something to do with the pre-workout drink I posted to Instagram. It really gets you going! I was starting to sweat and feel heat prior to the workout.

Try the vid. It is a total body workout that definitely gets the heart-rate up in only 10 minutes! WOW!

Other worksouts: I have went on walks, jogs/runs, I've done Blogilates and gone to the gym.

(Side note: Have you all ever heard of Abolene? I am trying out this product for you! I'll tell you more about the product, what it is, what it does and how it is working for me in a later post.)

Best part is I have become a Beachbody coach and this allows me to rev up my plan and really help inspire others which I love to do! (Go to "Contact" to check out my website!) I ordered myself some goodies. Can't really speak about a product I've yet to try! Yes I know people who've done many of the Beachbody plans such as Insanity and P90X and seen their results, but it's still nothing like experiencing them for yourself! I will let you all know how I feel in the process of trying these products! :) I can't wait to receive my Hip Hop Abs system and my Shakeology drinks!!! This is really going to take me to the next level of fitness that I want!

I am doing great and feeling great and I really can't wait till this semester is over with because going to campus is really messing up my plans. It's hard to stay motivated with all the driving back and forth, but I am doing my very best!

I will check in in two weeks and hopeful on a Sunday that time! :)

Have a great week and work hard! Be in total BEASTMODE!!!

Glam, FIT & Love,

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